DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with Front Slit

DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente Print Pin this image on Pinterest

Happy Thursday Everyone! I hope you all have been doing well. It’s been about a month since my last post. I had some exciting things happen, my birthday, I turned 30!!! To celebrate, my family and I took a trip to Cabo. It was the best four days, unlimited food and beverage. There is nothing I enjoy more than eating and laying on the beach. For my trip I made my first bikini using some scrap fabric from my stash. I shared pictures and video clips on my Instagram page and stories so be sure to check it out.

After getting back from my vacation I took a pause on sewing for myself and I have been sewing for my family. My mom just loved the dress in today’s post so I made her one as a gift for mothers day. I made a maternity shoot outfit for my younger sister, an infinity mini dress for my niece for her upcoming graduation, and I’m making a couple of outfits for my big sister. In June I’ll be back to sewing for myself and recording tutorials so stay tuned.

In today’s post I’ll be sharing how I made my infinity maxi dress with some kente fabric that I picked up from JOANN’s.  This dress was perfect for my birthday vacation. I was able to tie it multiple ways and the front slit breeze was wonderful as I walked along the beach. I bought a total of five yards and ended up only using about 4.25 yards. With the leftover fabric, I decided to make a matching head wrap. There is a head wrap tutorial on my YouTube channel, however I did sew this one differently. I used my serger to finish off the raw edges instead of creating a narrow hem.

The great thing about an infinity dress is you can use any skirt pattern of your choice and turn it into a dress. I’m all for comfort these days so I used my flat front-elastic back Toya Skirt. I will definitely be making more of these dresses and I’ll be wearing them all summer long.

In the pictorial below I explain how to create the front slit and how to create the infinity top.


  • Fabric: I used 4.25 yards of this kente print
  • Skirt Pattern: I used my Toya Skirt (you can use any skirt pattern of your choice, mine is a flat front, elastic back)

DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with slit Kente African print Tutorial Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with slit Kente African print Tutorial Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with slit Kente African print Tutorial Pin this image on Pinterest

DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with slit Kente African print Tutorial Pin this image on Pinterest
Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with slit Kente African print Tutorial Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with slit Kente African print Tutorial Pin this image on Pinterest

DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente Print Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente Print Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente Print Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente Print Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente Print Pin this image on Pinterest
DIY Infinity Maxi Dress with High Front Slit and Pockets Ankara African Print Kente PrintPin this image on Pinterest



  1. NappliyRooted
    May 16, 2019 / 10:10 am

    Beautiful, shoot that looks great on you.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Happy b-lated birthday.. you did a amazing job

    • montoyamayo
      May 16, 2019 / 10:19 am

      Thank you so much!!!

  2. May 16, 2019 / 10:15 am

    You are a beast!!!! I was recently looking at my infinity dress pattern. I love the way this turned out. You wear it so well. Hope you enjoyed your birthday!

    • montoyamayo
      May 16, 2019 / 10:21 am

      Thank you so much Jo!!! I did enjoy my birthday, looking at these pictures has me wanting to go back on vacation so bad

  3. Lucy's Pearl
    May 16, 2019 / 12:31 pm

    Absolutely beautiful!

    • montoyamayo
      May 18, 2019 / 10:27 am

      Thank you!!!

  4. Jessica
    May 16, 2019 / 4:03 pm

    The dress is amazing, but how did you make a swimsuit with fabric that doesn’t stretch? Please, I have been meaning to make myself one but haven’t because I didn’t know I could use fabric I already have!!!
    Thank you for all your inspiration!

    • montoyamayo
      May 18, 2019 / 10:31 am

      Thank you! The fabric I used for the swimsuit was some stretch jersey, I had some scraps left over from my kente print halter top maxi dress I made.

  5. Tanya Nunn
    May 17, 2019 / 6:56 am

    Hey, happy belated birthday. Are you going to do a video of how to do the top. I work so much better following your videos, it looks great on you. Hoping to make one too. Thanks Tanya

    • montoyamayo
      May 18, 2019 / 10:39 am

      Thank you!!! I do have this on my summer video tutorial list, let’s hope I can get to it with all the things I want to do.

  6. Turkessa
    May 18, 2019 / 6:59 pm

    I made this dress and took it on vacation with me but did not get a chance to wear it. Did you construct your front top & waistband first and then move forward in making the skirt? It took me a couple of hours to do my dress but I feel like I could’ve done it differently. I think I am going to take some length off of my straps too because they are almost 3 yards long.

    • montoyamayo
      June 18, 2019 / 11:00 am

      Yes, I made the top and waistband first and then made the skirt. My straps are about 2.5 yards long, I like the length because I can wrap it so many ways and after all the twisting and tying it comes out to a reasonable length.

  7. Catherine
    June 3, 2019 / 11:12 pm

    Hi Montoya…yo work is so amazing and neat ,i wld prefer to do mine without a slit and please do post us a video of this tutorial..please dear friend


    • montoyamayo
      June 18, 2019 / 11:02 am

      Hi Catherine. Video coming in July, stay tuned!

  8. Tenica
    February 21, 2020 / 10:41 pm

    Love love love this dress!! I’ve fallen completely in love with it and your blog and channel. I’ve purchased your Toya skirt course along with all of the materials for this dress. Please tell me you put up the video 😊

    ***I teach 6th grade so I completely understand the busyness of the school year***

    • montoyamayo
      March 17, 2020 / 3:55 pm

      Yay another fellow teacher who sews!!! Thank you for your purchase!

  9. Jessica B
    June 13, 2021 / 1:12 pm

    Beautiful! I’m going to check on YT to see if the video is there!

    • montoyamayo
      June 30, 2021 / 10:18 pm

      Thank you Jessica. Happy Sewing!

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